
Fit & Healthy Business provide evidence based health and wellness programs to optimise your employees physical and mental wellbeing.
Our programs are knowledge based, backed by scientific evidence. We take a holistic approach to maintaining health and we appreciate that being fit and healthy is not just a one dimensional plan. We offer a range of corporate services to accommodate all of your business fit & healthy needs, addressing physical, mental and business health.
Please take the time to view our comprehensive range of health services, or contact us with your specific needs.
Health Intervention Seminars
Fit & Healthy Business host an extensive range of seminars and workshops, liaising closely with each workplace to determine the most effective message required for improvements to that business.
Facilitated by Olympic athletes, business leaders, post doctorate medical professionals, corporate consultants and health and lifestyle experts, Fit & Healthy Business seminars are a fantastic way to deliver fast, effective and fresh ideas to staff.
Topics include but are not limited to;
Work/life balance - where does everything fit?
Preventing physiological stress – a banana a day keeps the doctor away!
Reducing stress and fatigue in the workplace.
Why all the fuss about our health and wellbeing?
I have how long to live? Understanding your physical and physiological health.
Help me with the equation - personal costs of the food we ingest.
Manual handing – this is how you move it!